Universal Epic Universe Single Rider Line & Ranking All 17 Attractions Pre-Opening

It has been a little while since we checked in on Universal Epic Universe, and with the opening day (May 22nd, 2025)approaching, it is time to do a little daydreaming. Now, in the landscape of theme park news, you have probably heard that Universal Orlando is set to open their 4th theme park here in Orlando this year. You can find the details here if you’d like to check out our preview article. As always, you can follow us through our visual storytelling as well over on YouTube, and believe me, you won’t want to miss all of our Universal Epic universe videos we have lined up.

Universal Epic Universe All Attractions Courtesy of Universally Addicted
Universal Epic Universe All Attractions Courtesy of Universally Addicted

While browsing earlier, our good friends at Universally Addicted posted screenshots listing all of the 17 attractions that will open on May 22nd to the world! Like everything else in the world, we decided that we needed to rank them so that we were most excited for them. Below, you will find the list of all attractions from Epic and from least favorite to favorite. What does this list mean? Well, just like our Halloween Horror Nights rankings, nothing. This is our list of opinions; if you ask people about that, it will certainly vary! So grab your Butterbeer, wand, or Wolf Man shirt and dig into Universal Epic Universe attractions!

Universal Epic Universe Attraction Rankings 17 – 11

Yoshi's Adventure
Yoshi’s Adventure

Every list needs a bottom, an attraction that is last on the list. This doesn’t mean that we aren’t excited for these. They just happen to land at the bottom of the list. As mentioned above this is just our opinion and will surely be different than anyone reading this. Without further ado let’s go!

17. Yoshi’s Adventure (minimum height to ride 34 inches)

Apologies to all the Yoshi fans out there, but this attraction is at the bottom of our hype list for the mere fact we have already experienced this attraction in Universal Studios Japan. This attraction will surely be a hit so don’t worry about it showing up at number 17 for us. It is a cute family style adventure ride in which you collect Yoshi eggs while traversing high above Super Nintendo World. Somehow this got cut in Universal Studios Hollywood but is making it’s way to Epic.

Constellation Carousel
Constellation Carousel
16. Constellation Carousel

The structure of the carousel is impressive, and this carousel runs from the bottom instead of the top. This will be a hit for families of course and we can’t wait to see this during the nighttime!

15. Darkmoor Monster Makeup Experience

Anyone who knows us will be shocked to find a Universal Monsters experience so low on the list. While I am sure it will be fun to be made up to look like a Monster, we are guessing this will be very expensive and a time sync if it is to the level they were testing at USO a couple of years ago. Don’t you worry though we are so booking this!

14. Astronomica

Being teased as “an interactive wet-play attraction designed as a compass rose that points to the portals and attractions around Epic. A pro tip? Make sure you stop by at night too, as Astronomica comes alive with light, color and music!” 

Viking Training Camp
Viking Training Camp
13. Viking Training Camp

Located in “How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk, this play area is going to complement the area as a whole. “Junior Vikings will discover all types of dragons as they climb, slide and explore their way through a sprawling interactive adventure camp and kids play area hosted by Fishlegs, Isle of Berk’s resident dragon expert. “

12. Dragon’s Racers Rally (minimum height to ride 48 inches)

This attraction in Isle of Berk looks like loads of fun! Being billed as At Dragon Racer’s Rally, guests can practice aerobatic maneuvers and high-speed barrel rolls on a Viking-made dragon-riding trainer in hopes of becoming champion dragon-racers. 

This high-thrill flying attraction features a ride system new to Universal Destinations & Experiences and is themed after the worst dragon racer from the series, Snotlout, and the best dragon racer, Astrid.

 Dragon's Racers Rally
Dragon’s Racers Rally
11. Le Cirque Arcanus

This stage show is in Epic’s Harry Potter Ministry of Magic area. This circus-style show will showcase magical creatures. The beasts will be on stage in front of the audience, making you feel like you are a part of the magical world!

Universal Epic Universe Attraction Rankings 10 – 6

Mario Kart Bowser's Challenge
Mario Kart Bowser’s Challenge
10. Curse of the Werewolf (minimum height to ride 40 inches) (Single Rider Offered)

As we enter the top ten, things get a little juicer here. Coming in at the 10th spot is “Curse of the Werewolf—a spinning roller coaster themed to the Wolf-Man himself. The area around this attraction is nothing short of fantastic looking for theming. The coaster seems fun and teases a Yeti-like animatronic, so we are all in on that!

9. Meet the Monsters

Staying in Darkmoor, we get to meet and greet the Monsters! While this may seem high for some, we love the Universal Monsters and cannot wait for these photos! So far, we know that Darkmoor will include Frankenstein’s Monster, the Bride of Frankenstein, Ygor, and the Invisible Man. If they don’t include the Creature from the Black Lagoon we will riot and put this at number 17!

The Untrainable Dragon
The Untrainable Dragon
8. The Untrainable Dragon

If the picture above doesn’t get you excited I don’t know what will. This stage show in Isle of Berk looks nothing short of amazing! Toothless the dragon will fly over guests in this show. Color us excited!

7. Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge (minimum height to ride 40 inches) (Single Rider Offered)

We have experienced this attraction in Japan and it is so fun. “Wind your way through Bowser’s Castle and join Team Mario on the racetrack to defeat Team Bowser in this interactive ride.” It really is an advanced version of Buzz Lightyear from Disney and I mean it is light years ahead as far as interactive shooting attractions are concerned.

Fyre Drill
Fyre Drill
6. Fyre Drill

The Water attraction ride of the park is located on the Isle of Berk. Based on the picture above, you are going to get drenched! A welcome thing for those hot and humid times here in Central Florida. Based on the description this is a ride where you shoot targets (over 130 of them ) and they shoot back! Sounds incredible if you ask me.

Universal Epic Universe Attraction Rankings 5 – 1

Mine Kart Madness Donkey Kong Country
Mine-Kart Madness Donkey Kong Country
5. Mine-Kart Madness (minimum height to ride 40 inches) (Single Rider Offered)

Leading us off in the top five is Donkey Kong (DK). DK is my favorite character, and I cannot wait to step into the tropical area known as Donkey Kong Country at Epic. The only actual attraction in this area is Mine-Kart Madness. Anyone who has played the DK games knows the levels with the mine-karts are the most exciting. This roller coaster makes you feel like you are jumping on the track! How cool is that?

Stardust Racers
Stardust Racers
4. Stardust Racers (minimum height to ride 48 inches) (Single Rider Offered)

We have a log jam in the top five with attractions because they are all really amazing sounding. The very visible Stardust Racers is a dual track coaster. “This attraction is a racing dual-launch coaster that goes at 62 mph and reaches a max height of 133 feet.” Also, be on the lookout for a Back to the Future Easter egg on the coaster vehicles. This coaster looks so cool and we cannot wait to race!

 Harry Potter and the Battle at the Ministry
Harry Potter and the Battle at the Ministry
3. Harry Potter and the Battle at the Ministry (minimum height to ride 40 inches) (Single Rider Offered)

A lot of people will have this attraction at number one on their lists and for good reason. Everything we have heard and seen about this attraction sounds like it is going to be nothing short of amazing! From the queue to the attraction itself this experience will be sure to entertain Potter fans all at the expense of Dolores Umbridge herself while she is on trial.

Hiccup's Wing Glider Dragon Coaster
Hiccup’s Wing Glider Dragon Coaster
2. Hiccup’s Wing Glider Dragon Coaster (minimum height to ride 40 inches) (Single Rider Offered)

Many will argue that this is too high, but let me tell you that this coaster has us excited for a lot of reasons. From what we have seen this coaster spans the entire area of Isle of Berk which gives life to the area. We are huge fans of attractions that not only entertain people on the ride, but also add to the area itself and this attraction does just that from what we can see. Think of the Peoplemover but more exciting!

 Monsters Unchained: The Frankenstein Experiment
Monsters Unchained: The Frankenstein Experiment
1. Monsters Unchained: The Frankenstein Experiment (minimum height to ride 48 inches) (Single Rider Offered)

No surprise to anyone who knows us, but number one comes to us from Darkmoor in the form of Monsters Unchained: The Frankenstein Experiment. The outside of this attraction is jaw-dropping from what we have seen. The queue supposedly will have some surprises as well. Of course, we expect the dark ride portion of this attraction to be awesome. The story is about Dr Victoria Frankenstein. Related of course to Henry Frankenstein she looks to tame the creation. We are 100% in on this one…..Let’s gooooo!!!!!

Conclusion on Epic’s attractions

Creature From the Black Lagoon
Creature From the Black Lagoon

Well there you have it our deep dive into Epic’s opening day lineup! What do you think of our rankings? Agree or disagree. this of course is all in good fun as Epic simply looks amazing from top to bottom! A quick recap of our rankings from least to favorite.

  • Yoshi’s Adventure
  • Constellation Carousel
  • Darkmoor Monster Makeup Experience
  • Astronomica
  • Viking Training Camp
  • Dragon Racer’s Rally
  • Le Cirque Arcanus
  • Curse of the Werewolf
  • Meet the Monsters
  • The Untrainable Dragon
  • Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge
  • Fyre Drill
  • Mine-Cart Madness
  • Stardust Racers
  • Harry Potter and the Battle at the Ministry
  • Hiccup’s Wing Glider Dragon Coaster
  • Monsters Unchained: The Frankenstein Experiment
Single Rider Options

When Epic Universe opens in May it will have 7/11 rides offering single rider. This should help with the lines to fill up those empty seats. Below is a list of them. You will find us in the Monsters Unchained one frequently!!

  • Curse of the Werewolf
  • Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge
  • Mine-Cart Madness
  • Stardust Racers
  • Harry Potter and the Battle at the Ministry
  • Hiccup’s Wing Glider Dragon Coaster
  • Monsters Unchained: The Frankenstein Experiment

Let us know in the comments and as always you can find our visual storytelling over on YouTube. We plan to have a lot of Epic VLOGs coming your way this year.

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