Hiroshima A Must See Memorial For Everyone to Visit

Hiroshima Japan
Hiroshima Japan

As we built out or Japan itinerary we felt it was important to visit the bombing site at Hiroshima, it’s essential to remember our past, both the good and the bad, learning from it and make the world a better place. One such reminder is the Hiroshima Memorial, which stands as a symbol of war. Don’t worry though we finish this article on a high note the Hiroshima famous dish Okonomiyaki. For Japan planning, check out our planning article and also follow us on YouTube for video content.

Hiroshima Japan
Hiroshima Japan

Hiroshima, a city in Japan, was bombed by the United States during World War II, killing over 140,000 people, including innocent civilians. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial, commonly known as the Atomic Bomb Dome, is a UNESCO World Heritage site that serves as a reminder of the city’s tragic past and the importance of peace.

Hiroshima Japan
Hiroshima Japan

The Hiroshima Memorial includes several sites, including the Peace Memorial Museum, which houses artifacts, photographs, and personal accounts of the bombing victims. The museum provides a harrowing look into the impact of the bomb on the city’s residents and is a somber but necessary experience for all visitors.

Visiting the Hiroshima Memorial is not only a chance to learn about history but also an opportunity to pay respects to those who lost their lives in the bombing. The feeling in the museum is somber but essential experience that everyone should have, reminding us of the horrors of war and the importance of peace. Seeing actual artifacts from that day is crazy. This is one of many sites I have visited including Pearl Harbor, and 911. None of these places are meant to make you feel good, but should be visited as a reminder to the horrors we have endured in the past.

Okonomiyaki Hiroshima Style

Japan Food Okonomiyaki
Japan Food Okonomiyaki

After the somber experience of the bombing site we turn our attention to food, and what surely will come up if you search for foods to try in Hiroshima, Okonomiyaki. Okonomiyaki can be found in all regions of Japan, but of course Hiroshima claims to do it best! Our feet will take us to a very secluded spot in the middle of Hiroshima to a little hole in the wall spot called Hassei.

Upon entering this small space you can feel and smell the quality that is to come next. We were seated at the counter which is pretty much the grill. My strategy in places like this is to go with the “cheese pizza”. Anyone who knows me can attest I always start with the base order to check the quality of a place before adding a bunch of toppings to hide the base layer.

Japan Food Okonomiyaki
Japan Food Okonomiyaki

Before talking about how this tasted let’s tell you what is in Okonomiyaki. It is this from bottom to top, batter (egg based), cabbage, tempura crisps, bean sprouts, pork slices, noodles (Soba or Udon), egg, Okonomi sauce, seaweed, and sesame. You can add other things such as chicken, buns, Kobe beef, etc, to your Okonomiyaki, but as I said above I always go with the basics first.

Japan Food Okonomiyaki
Japan Food Okonomiyaki

If you are wondering if this dish is good I can’t tell you in words how great it tasted! All of these items in Okonomiyaki are great on their own, and together they compliment each other. On top of our Okonomiyaki is their sauce and mayonnaise which comes out in a cute spaghetti looking strings. Okonomiyaki’s are big so we shared ours and left full.

Conclusion on Hiroshima

Hiroshima Japan
Hiroshima Japan

We hope you enjoyed the opposite ends of the spectrum on Hiroshima. As somber as the bombing site is the city itself is a pleasure to enjoy, and you should absolutely make the trip to see the historical site and take in the local dish. What are your thoughts is Hiroshima on your list?

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