Spookala Spooky Review: Halloween in April 2024


Anyone who follows our blog knows we love Halloween Horror Nights. Spookala was on our radar for a couple of years, but our timing never lined up to make the trek to it. That changed this past weekend!

Spookala is themed around horror and pop culture which are a few of our favorite things! One thing we noticed about Spookala is that it is big enough for this type of event, and it is just the right amount of convention to make you feel like you can see and do everything.

We are seasoned congoers, and we have been to good, bad, and ugly cons. Spookala is suitable because it allows you to enjoy it and go at your own pace instead of theirs. More significant cons like MEGACON (Written Review) and MEGACON (Vlog) oversell their cons and don’t allow you to breathe at all.

The booked celebrities were great, and Celebrity Row was a fun place to hang out and watch them all. The Spookala staff wasn’t too much in your face if you wanted to look around at the celebrities. It was nice to casually stroll through celebrity row without being shooed away like at MEGACON. Speaking of celebrities, they had some great horror icons starting with Elvira herself, Matthew Lillard, Skeet Ulrich, and Wayne Knight (Hello Newman!) to name a few.

Scream Panel at Spookala
Scream Panel at Spookala

As far as the vendors go, there was quite the spectrum of items to choose from. You had your Funko Pop vendors, artists, apparel and comic book booths. If you are a horror enthusiast and you wanted to try out a smaller con, Spookala would be a good one to look into. You will get a lot of foot traffic here and your target audience is already in one spot.

In terms of food they had three food trucks and inside was the conventions food court stand. The lines for the food options were very long and slow. This would be our only complaint which isn’t really Spookala’s fault.

Slow moving food lines at Spookala
Slow moving food lines at Spookala

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Spookala

Overall, we enjoyed Spookala and will make this something we try to get to at least once a year, as they run them twice a year. Usually, the latter is during Halloween Horror Nights, which typically dominates our attention in Sept/Oct. If you are into horror and want to attend a con that is very accessible but just as fun as something like MEGACON, we suggest you seek out Spookala.

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