Enchant is a Christmas light display presented by Hallmark that is located throughout the country in various event spaces from sporting arenas and even casinos. We are a dedicated to Disney travel site, but occasionally, we wander to other places. Even though St. Petersburg is fairly close to us, we haven’t even begun to explore the area.

When we started to see ads for Enchant for Tropicana Field, it seemed like a good opportunity to check out where the baseball team plays, and also a lot of the culinary places around the ball park. This article will just concentrate on the Enchant event itself, but rest assure there are a lot of yummy food options in the area too!

Upon arrival, you do need to pay for parking which is 15 dollars and then go through an unorganized security screening process. After that you have 4 options to choose from on experiences. They are ice skating, Santa, overlook, and maze. First stop for us is the maze which is on the baseball field, however it was covered.

Enchant Picture Dump
Here are all the pictures we took while we were at Enchant.
Wondering whether or not you should try one of these event around the country? Our thoughts are a mixed bag. The event is a bit on the expensive side to look at lights, and nothing was too memorable about the lights. There is ice skating which costs extra, and also a hard pass for two people about to run a marathon next week, we signed up for the Dopey Challenge! Overall we had fun, but probably wouldn’t go back next year to check it out. What are your thoughts? Have you been to one of these?